18 Signs He’s Playing Mind Games (And How to Win): Spot the Tricks and Take Control

18 Signs He's Playing Mind Games (And How to Win)
  • 17:60 min

  • Amanda Collins

Dating can be tricky. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell if someone likes you or is playing games. This article looks at signs that a guy might be messing with your head.

A chessboard with pieces strategically placed, one side dominating the other

We’ll explore 18 ways to spot mind games and how to deal with them. You’ll learn what to watch out for and how to take control of the situation. By the end, you’ll be better equipped to handle confusing dating behavior.

1) Hot-and-cold behavior

A person standing in front of two doors, one emitting warm light and the other cold. The person looks confused, trying to decide which door to open

Ever feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster with him? One day he’s all sweet and attentive, the next he’s distant and aloof. This hot-and-cold behavior is a classic mind game.

He might shower you with affection, then suddenly go MIA for days. Or he’ll make big plans for the future, only to act like he barely knows you later. Sound familiar?

This unpredictable pattern keeps you guessing and craving his attention. It’s designed to make you doubt yourself and work harder for his approval.

Why does he do this? It’s all about control. By keeping you off-balance, he maintains the upper hand in the relationship.

Don’t fall for it! Remember, a healthy relationship should make you feel secure, not confused. If his behavior is more whiplash than warmth, it’s time to have a serious talk or consider moving on.

2) Doesn’t commit to plans

A man standing at a crossroads, one path clear and the other obscured by a maze of twisted vines and thorns

Is your guy always wishy-washy about making plans? That’s a red flag. When you try to set up a date, he might say “Maybe” or “We’ll see.” He keeps things vague and noncommittal.

You might notice he cancels plans at the last minute. Or he’ll say he’s “not sure” if he can make it until right before. This leaves you hanging and unsure.

He may also avoid making future plans altogether. When you bring up ideas for next month, he changes the subject. He keeps things in the short-term only.

Why does he do this? It gives him control and keeps you guessing. He wants to keep his options open in case something “better” comes along.

Don’t let this behavior slide. Tell him you need more certainty. If he can’t commit to simple plans, he may not be ready for a real relationship with you.

3) Avoids direct communication

A person standing behind a two-way mirror, watching someone else's reactions without directly engaging

Does your guy dodge straight answers like a pro? Watch out! He might be playing mind games. When you ask him something, he gives vague replies or changes the subject. It’s like trying to catch smoke!

You text him, “Want to hang out this weekend?” His response? “Maybe, we’ll see.” Frustrating, right?

He might also use silent treatment when you bring up serious topics. Or he’ll say “I don’t know” a lot, even for simple questions. This behavior keeps you guessing and off-balance.

Why does he do this? He’s trying to stay in control. By being unclear, he makes you work harder for his attention. It’s not fair to you!

What can you do? Be direct yourself. Tell him how his vague communication makes you feel. If he cares, he’ll make an effort to be clearer. If not, it might be time to rethink things.

Remember, healthy relationships need open and honest talk. You deserve someone who communicates clearly with you!

4) Frequently changes the topic

A person surrounded by swirling arrows, each representing a different topic, with a confused expression on their face

Have you noticed your guy always switching gears mid-conversation? One minute you’re talking about weekend plans, the next he’s chatting about his favorite TV show. This flip-flopping can leave your head spinning!

Why does he do this? It might be a sneaky way to avoid tough topics or hide something. Or maybe he’s just not that into what you’re saying. Ouch!

Don’t let it slide. When he changes the subject, gently steer things back. Say something like, “That’s interesting, but can we finish talking about our plans first?”

If he keeps jumping around, speak up. Tell him it’s confusing and ask if something’s bothering him. His reaction will tell you a lot.

Remember, good communication is a two-way street. You deserve someone who listens and stays on track. If he can’t do that, it might be time to change the topic to finding a new guy!

5) Uses sarcasm often

A person holding a puppet on each hand, with one puppet whispering in the other's ear while the first one smirks

Does your guy always seem to have a sarcastic comment ready? This could be a sign he’s playing mind games. Sarcasm can be funny, but it can also be a way to avoid real feelings.

When you ask him a serious question, does he give you a joke answer? This might be his way of dodging the topic. It can leave you feeling confused about where you stand.

Pay attention to how often he uses sarcasm. If it’s all the time, he might be trying to keep you at arm’s length. It’s hard to build a real connection when everything is a joke.

Try talking to him about it. Let him know you’d like some straight answers sometimes. If he can’t drop the sarcasm act, it might be time to rethink things.

Remember, good communication is key in any relationship. You deserve someone who can be honest and open with you.

6) Disappears without notice

A chessboard with pieces strategically placed, one side in disarray while the other side is meticulously organized, symbolizing the mental battle of mind games

Does your guy suddenly vanish without a word? One day he’s texting you non-stop, the next – radio silence. This on-again, off-again behavior is a classic mind game.

He might reappear days or weeks later, acting like nothing happened. When you ask where he’s been, he brushes it off or makes excuses. This leaves you confused and anxious.

Why does he do this? It’s a power move. He wants you to worry about him and wonder if you did something wrong. This keeps you on your toes and gives him control.

Don’t fall for it! If he disappears, resist the urge to chase after him. Live your life and focus on people who treat you with respect. When he pops up again, you can decide if you want him in your life at all.

Remember, a caring partner communicates openly. They don’t leave you hanging or play games with your emotions. You deserve someone who’s consistently there for you.

7) Breadcrumbing with text messages

A phone screen displaying a series of text message bubbles with sporadic replies, indicating breadcrumbing and mind games

Is he sending you just enough texts to keep you interested? That’s called breadcrumbing. He might text you once a week or send vague messages that don’t lead anywhere.

These texts often come out of the blue. They’re usually short and don’t say much. He might ask “What’s up?” or send a random emoji. But when you try to make plans, he disappears.

Breadcrumbing is a way to keep you on the hook without putting in real effort. It’s like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for you to follow. He wants to keep you as an option without committing.

If this sounds familiar, don’t fall for it. You deserve someone who wants to talk to you regularly and make real plans. Next time he sends a breadcrumb text, you can ignore it or ask him directly what he wants.

Remember, your time is valuable. Don’t waste it on someone who only gives you crumbs of attention. Look for a partner who offers you the whole loaf instead.

8) Gaslighting to make you doubt yourself

A person standing in a dimly lit room, surrounded by flickering gaslights, looking confused and uncertain

Has your partner ever made you question your own memory or perception? This is gaslighting, a sneaky tactic some people use to control others.

You might notice them saying things like “That never happened” or “You’re imagining things.” They may deny saying or doing something you clearly remember.

Sometimes they’ll twist your words or actions, making you seem forgetful or “crazy.” You start to doubt yourself and your judgment.

They might blame you for their bad behavior or accuse you of being “too sensitive.” Over time, this can really mess with your head.

If you’re feeling confused a lot or always second-guessing yourself, it could be a sign of gaslighting. Trust your gut feelings and memories. Keep a journal to track events if needed.

Remember, you’re not losing your mind. Gaslighting is a real form of emotional abuse. You deserve to be treated with respect and honesty in your relationships.

9) Twists your words

A chessboard with pieces in a strategic, twisted arrangement

Have you ever felt like your partner twists what you say? It’s frustrating when they take your words out of context or give them a different meaning. This is a classic mind game.

For example, you might say, “I’d like to spend more time together.” But they respond, “So you’re saying I’m not giving you enough attention?” That’s not what you meant at all!

When someone twists your words, they’re trying to make you doubt yourself. They want to shift blame or avoid taking responsibility. It’s a sneaky way to control the conversation and make you feel confused.

You might find yourself constantly explaining what you really meant. This can leave you feeling drained and uncertain. It’s not fair for you to always be on the defensive.

If this happens often, it’s a red flag. Your partner should listen to understand, not to manipulate. Clear communication is key in healthy relationships. Don’t let anyone make you question your own words or intentions.

10) Uses jealousy as a tool

A figure casting a dark shadow over another, with a sly smirk and narrowed eyes, while the other figure looks confused and uncertain

Does your guy try to make you jealous on purpose? He might flirt with other girls when you’re around or talk about his exes a lot. This is a classic mind game. He wants to see how you’ll react.

Why does he do this? He’s trying to get a rise out of you. He wants you to show that you care about him. Or maybe he’s hoping you’ll chase after him more.

But this isn’t healthy behavior. It can really hurt your feelings and damage trust in the relationship. It’s not fair to play with your emotions like this.

You don’t have to put up with these games. If you notice him doing this, call him out on it. Let him know it’s not okay. A good partner won’t try to make you feel insecure or jealous.

Remember, you deserve someone who makes you feel secure, not someone who plays with your feelings. Don’t fall for this trick. Stay confident and know your worth!

11) Silent treatment whenever upset

A person sitting alone in a dimly lit room, turning their back to an unseen figure, with a tense and cold atmosphere

Does your guy suddenly go quiet when he’s upset? This is a classic mind game. He’s trying to make you feel bad and chase after him. It’s like he’s punishing you by withholding attention.

Why does he do this? He wants you to worry and feel anxious. He hopes you’ll beg for forgiveness, even if you did nothing wrong. It’s a power move to gain control.

You might find yourself wondering what you did wrong. You may feel tempted to keep reaching out. Don’t fall for it! This tactic is unfair and immature.

What can you do? Give him space, but don’t chase him. When he starts talking again, calmly explain that silent treatment isn’t okay. Tell him you expect open communication, even during disagreements.

If he keeps using the silent treatment, it’s a red flag. It shows he lacks communication skills and emotional maturity. You deserve a partner who talks things out, not one who plays games with your feelings.

12) Plays the victim

A person surrounded by tangled strings, looking confused and frustrated

Does your guy always seem to be the one wronged in every situation? This might be a sign he’s playing mind games. He’ll make you feel bad for him and try to get you to comfort him.

You might notice he turns arguments around on you. Even when he’s clearly at fault, he’ll find a way to make it seem like you’re the one who messed up. He’ll act hurt and upset to get your sympathy.

This tactic is meant to make you feel guilty. He wants you to apologize and make things up to him, even when you’ve done nothing wrong. It’s a way for him to avoid taking responsibility for his actions.

Watch out for phrases like “You’re so mean to me” or “I can’t believe you’d do this to me.” These are red flags that he’s trying to play the victim card. Don’t fall for it! Stand your ground and don’t let him manipulate your emotions.

13) Gives backhanded compliments

A person receiving a bouquet of wilted flowers with a smirk from another person

Has your partner ever said something that sounded nice at first, but left you feeling bad? That’s a backhanded compliment. It’s a sneaky way to put you down while pretending to be nice.

For example, they might say “You look great today! I guess you finally decided to put some effort into your appearance.” Ouch! That’s not really a compliment at all.

Another example could be “Wow, you’re so brave to wear that outfit in public!” This sounds like praise, but it’s actually suggesting your clothes are embarrassing.

These comments can make you doubt yourself and feel insecure. They’re a tool some people use to keep you off-balance and under their control.

If you notice this happening often, it’s a red flag. A caring partner should lift you up, not tear you down with sneaky insults disguised as praise.

14) Mimicks your communication style

A chessboard with pieces arranged in a strategic formation, one side appearing confident and the other side appearing calculating

Have you noticed your guy copying the way you talk? It’s like he’s become your messaging twin! This might seem sweet at first, but watch out. It could be a sign he’s playing mind games.

Maybe he starts using your favorite words or phrases. Or he might match your texting style perfectly. Does he suddenly use the same emojis you love? These could all be clues.

Why does he do this? He’s trying to make you feel connected. It’s a clever trick to get under your skin. He wants you to think you’re on the same wavelength.

But here’s the thing: real connection doesn’t come from copying. It comes from genuine shared interests and values. Don’t fall for this fake bond.

How can you spot it? Pay attention to sudden changes in how he talks to you. If his style shifts to match yours out of the blue, be wary. Trust your gut if something feels off.

Remember, true connection happens naturally. It doesn’t need tricks or games. You deserve someone who’s real with you, not a copycat.

15) Frequently makes you feel guilty

A person standing in a spotlight, surrounded by shadowy figures pointing accusatory fingers

Does your partner often make you feel bad about yourself? They might be playing mind games. They could bring up past mistakes or make you feel like you’re not doing enough. This tactic is meant to keep you off-balance and under their control.

You might find yourself apologizing a lot, even for small things. Or you could feel like you’re always walking on eggshells. These are signs that your partner is using guilt as a weapon.

Remember, healthy relationships don’t involve constant guilt-tripping. Your partner should support you, not tear you down. If you’re always feeling guilty, it’s time to take a closer look at your relationship.

Don’t let someone manipulate your emotions this way. You deserve better than to feel guilty all the time. Stand up for yourself and set clear boundaries. If they can’t respect that, it might be time to reconsider the relationship.

16) Keeps past relationships ambiguous

A figure surrounded by tangled strings, some broken, some still connected. Multiple paths leading in different directions

Does your guy seem to dodge questions about his exes? This could be a sign he’s playing games with you.

He might talk about past relationships in vague terms. When you ask for details, he changes the subject. Maybe he mentions an ex but won’t say her name or how long they dated.

This behavior can leave you feeling confused and insecure. You’re not sure where you stand or if he’s truly available.

Why do some men do this? It could be to keep you on your toes. By staying mysterious about his past, he might hope to seem more interesting or desirable.

It could also be a way to keep his options open. If he’s not clear about past breakups, he might be leaving the door open to old flames.

What can you do? Be direct. Ask him specific questions about his dating history. If he still won’t give straight answers, it’s time for a serious talk about honesty in your relationship.

Remember, you deserve clarity and openness from a partner. Don’t let anyone keep you guessing about where you stand.

17) Subjects you to emotional rollercoasters

A figure surrounded by swirling emotions, with highs and lows depicted through dynamic lines and contrasting colors

Does your guy make you feel on top of the world one day, then leave you feeling low the next? This is a classic sign of mind games. He might shower you with affection and attention, then suddenly go cold and distant.

You never know what to expect. One moment he’s planning a romantic date, the next he’s canceling plans without explanation. This up-and-down pattern can leave you confused and anxious.

Why does he do this? It’s a way to keep you off-balance and guessing. When you’re never sure where you stand, you’re more likely to cling to the good moments and overlook the bad ones.

This behavior can really mess with your emotions. You might find yourself constantly trying to figure out what you did wrong or how to get back in his good graces. But remember, it’s not your fault!

If you’re feeling like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster, it’s time to step off the ride. You deserve someone who treats you with consistency and respect.

18) Manipulates opinions to make himself look good

A man standing on a pedestal, surrounded by people with manipulated expressions, while he smirks and gestures confidently

Watch out for a guy who always tries to shape how others see him. He might twist stories to make himself the hero. Or he could downplay your achievements while talking up his own.

Does he often blame others for his mistakes? This is a red flag. He may be trying to avoid taking responsibility.

Pay attention to how he talks about his exes. If they’re all “crazy” or “the worst,” he might be manipulating the narrative.

Notice if he changes his opinions based on who he’s talking to. This could mean he’s more concerned with approval than being genuine.

Be wary if he frequently name-drops or brags about connections. He might be trying to boost his social status in your eyes.

Trust your gut. If something feels off about how he presents himself, you might be dealing with a mind game player.

Understanding Mind Games

A chessboard with one player making strategic moves while the other watches, symbolizing the mental tactics of mind games

Mind games are tricky ways people try to control or confuse you. They use sneaky tactics to get what they want. Let’s look at how these games work and some common tricks to watch out for.

Psychological Tactics

Mind games mess with your thoughts and feelings. Someone might:

• Give you the silent treatment to make you feel bad
• Pretend not to care, then act super nice
• Flirt with others to make you jealous
• Say mean things, then claim it was “just a joke”

These tricks aim to keep you off-balance. The person wants power over you. They may try to make you doubt yourself or feel crazy.

Common Manipulation Techniques

Watch out for these sneaky moves:

• Guilt trips (“If you really loved me, you’d…”)
• Gaslighting (denying reality to confuse you)
• Love bombing (showering you with affection, then pulling away)
• Moving goalposts (always wanting more from you)
• Playing hot and cold (being nice, then mean)

These games can hurt your self-esteem and trust. If you spot these tricks, speak up! Don’t let anyone play with your feelings.

Recognizing Patterns

A chessboard with pieces arranged in a strategic pattern, surrounded by a web of interconnected lines and arrows

Spotting patterns in someone’s behavior can help you figure out if they’re playing mind games. Let’s look at emotional and behavioral clues to watch for.

Emotional Reactions

Pay attention to how he responds to different situations. Does he get angry quickly, then act like nothing happened? That’s a red flag.

Notice if his moods change fast for no clear reason. One minute he’s sweet, the next he’s cold. This up-and-down can leave you feeling confused.

Look for times when his words don’t match his actions. He might say he cares but never shows it. Or he promises to change but never does.

Trust your gut feelings. If something feels off, it probably is. Don’t ignore those instincts.

Behavioral Signals

Watch for hot-and-cold behavior. Does he reach out a lot one week, then ignore you the next? This on-again, off-again pattern is a classic sign.

Notice if he only contacts you when he wants something. Real relationships aren’t one-sided.

Pay attention to how he treats you in public vs private. Big differences could mean he’s playing games.

Look for signs he’s trying to make you jealous. Talking about other girls or flirting in front of you isn’t okay.

Is he always “busy” when you need him, but expects you to drop everything for him? That’s not fair.

Strategies to Counteract

A chessboard with pieces strategically placed, one side in a dominant position over the other

You can take control and protect yourself from mind games. Here are some ways to build your strength and set clear limits.

Building Emotional Resilience

Stay confident in who you are. Don’t let his games shake your self-worth.

Remember your good qualities and accomplishments. Spend time with supportive friends and family. They can remind you of your value.

Try new hobbies or learn new skills. This boosts your self-esteem.

It also shows you don’t need him for happiness.

Practice self-care. Get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise.

A healthy body helps keep your mind strong.

Write in a journal about your feelings. This can help you spot unhealthy patterns.

It also lets you vent without drama.

Asserting Boundaries

Speak up when he crosses a line. Use “I” statements to explain how his actions affect you. For example: “I feel hurt when you ignore my texts.”

Set clear rules for how you want to be treated. Don’t make threats, just state facts. You might say: “I need honesty in my relationships.”

Follow through on your words. If he keeps playing games, take a step back. You could say: “I’m taking a break until we can talk openly.”

Don’t chase him or beg for attention. This gives him power. Instead, focus on your own life and goals.

Trust your gut. If something feels off, it probably is. Don’t let him talk you out of your feelings.

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